Baby sitting up and holding a large open pink notebook. The baby is nearly bald, and is staring open-mouthed at the viewer, as if in shock. There are large round glasses on the baby's face. The notebook is pink and spiral bound. (Joey333, Getty Images)

Professional & Non-Profit Pregnancy
& Healthcare Organizations

Professional & Non-Profit Pregnancy & Healthcare Organizations

Reference List compiled by Plain Talk Pregnancy

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Plain Talk Pregnancy sources information from a variety of professional and non-profit pregnancy and healthcare organizations. All organizations currently cited are listed below. This page will continue to be updated as new organizations are cited or information is added.
(This list is current as of 30 June 2021; Information on individual organizations is current as of note under each listing).

Where applicable, organizational information has been provided from Charity Watch (rating methodology), Guidestar (general information on ratings), and Charity Navigator (rating methodology).

For organizations outside the US, efforts have been made to find comparable information.
Charity Commission for England and Wales

International Organizations

World Health Organization (WHO)

WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to “building a better, healthier future for people all over the world.” WHO provides information on “the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period” in their section on Maternal Health. They also provide a downloadable book, “WHO recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience”.

Plain Talk Opinion/Note: Because WHO operates in multiple regions and countries, it is important to understand the reasoning and context behind their recommendations. Some recommendations are more or less applicable based on region.

(Current a/o 6 June 2021)

Plain Talk Pregnancy icon: one small white daisy nestled into a larger pink daisy

US Government Organizations

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC is a component of the US Department of Health and Human Services, dedicated to “protect America from health, safety and security threats.” The CDC offers a Pregnancy section with information on preparing for or preventing pregnancy, as well as things to be aware of during pregnancy.

(Current a/o 6 June 2021)

Plain Talk Pregnancy icon: one small white daisy nestled into a larger pink daisy

Professional Organizations

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

ACOG is a professional membership organization for obstetricians and gynecologists in the United States. They provide practice guidelines and educational material are focused on the “advancement of women’s health care and the professional and socioeconomic interests of our members through continuing medical education, practice, research, and advocacy.” ACOG provides pregnancy information for patients via their website and a book, available at retailers for under $20.

Guidestar Profile
Charity Navigator 3/4 stars

(Current a/o 6 June 2021)

Plain Talk Pregnancy icon: one small white daisy nestled into a larger pink daisy

Non-Profit Organizations

March of Dimes

March of Dimes is a 501c(3) non-profit organization, dedicated to supporting mothers and babies throughout pregnancy. They offer prenatal education for parents, professional education to health care providers, and support to research.

Plain Talk Note: The information available on the March of Dimes mission page implies they focus on reducing prematurity in pregnancy. They have also withdrawn research funding from studies that didn’t focus directly on reducing prematurity.

Charity Watch Profile
Guidestar Platinum seal of transparency (2020) 
Charity Navigator 2/4 stars

(Current a/o 6 June 2021)


Tommy’s is a UK-based charity dedicated to “make the UK the safest place in the world to give birth”. Tommy’s funds research and also provides information for parents. Tommy’s information about pregnancy and prenatal care is available through its Pregnancy Hub online.

Plain Talk Note: Tommy’s was founded and works to prevent “pregnancy complications, miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and neonatal death.”

Charity Commission for England and Wales Profile

(Current a/o 6 June 2021)

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